Team Race Series 2023
Dear District officer,
It has been decided at the EAGM 2022 in Monaco to launch the EurILCA Team Race Series in 2023.
EuriLCA wants to organize Team Race in each district (only 16 districts this year maximum and we could do a rotation every year if more than 16 districts are interested).
The event will be on 2 days , with a mixed Team of 2 (One men and one women) on ILCA 6. Minimum age is 15 years old on the first day of the regatta. It could easily organize on a lake or river. The best is to provide the boats but also possible with sailors bringing their own boats.
Our intention is to run a EurILCA Team Race Europeans championship with all the winning teams of each country.
If you are interested please fill the form attached and send it to the EurILCA office.
Kind regards,
The EurILCA Team
Eur ILCA Team Race Bid Form 2023